Financials, Business & Charity for the World!

Åsa Granberg
5 September 2019

Financials, Business & Charity for the World!

Last week I had an interesting meeting with a Professor of Accounting and Auditing from the Stockholm School of Economics University, Mr Walter Schuster.

Walter is one of those people who really is very interested in his profession and his subject. He has done research regarding the use of accounting information and he is a member of the Swedish Financial Reporting Board panel as well as member of the Supervisory Board of the Public Accountants’ Examination Board. Walter teaches Financial Accounting and Financial Markets and is working with projects regarding Business Combinations and Revenue Recognition (standards, incentives and accounting practice).

We had so much to discuss since I am a financial instruments specialist and have trained capital markets traders both domestic and internationally as well as been global responsible for the major Wall Street Investment Banks (like Lehman Brothers).

I am so pleased that Walter agreed to do a charity lecture for the Rotarian Business Network of Stockholm where his presentation will generate 40 donations of Polio Vaccinations to Africa.

What a great meeting it turned out to be – for the project of growing businesses as well as stopping polio around the world!

AimHill Consulting Group