La Grande Finale – of 2018!
You become like who you surround yourself with…
The year of 2018 was one of the most exciting years in a very long time! I was awarded the "Top Entrepreneur of the Year 2018" Certificat. I became a certified Yoga Instructor. I became a certified Mindfulness Instructor. I Skydived at over 13.000 feet (parachute jump). I received over 2.000 friend requests on Facebook. I was featured in three global magazines. I spoke before 100 people at Nordea (the largest Nordic bank), I spoke before 50 people at Google and before 2.400 people at Mega Success in Los Angeles. I launched two new brands. I did modelling for fashion and jewelleries. I travelled to several countries for business events. I met new coaches. I met celebrities. I made new global friends. I multiplied my global business network. I got to spend time to listen and learn from some of the most wonderful people you can imagine; like the prominent and super-intelligent gentlemen George Ross who I met twice during 2018 and I even got a signed George Ross tie (George Ross was part of building the Trump empire as Donald Trump’s right-hand man for 47 years)!
Many of you out there have asked me; what on earth happened to me in 2018 – it’s like a new me - and how am I doing everything that I’m doing now?
The answer is;
1) You become like the people who you surround yourself with. What I did the last year is that I completely changed my “crowd” of people that I spend my business mind around. From having spent my days around a conservative group of business minds that unfortunately still are stuck in the past. To spend my time around global people who understand “The New Economy”.
2) I have spent every single day, disregarding if it has been weekend/bank holiday/or even Christmas or today on New Years Eve; listening to global coaching, attending business events, reading business books in various subjects such as Artificial Intelligence/Big Data/Digitalization/New Technology/Entrepreneurship/Business Branding & Business Building in the New Economy.
Totally Updating my brain and my knowledge to become prepared for assisting corporates getting in front of the new ball game!
If you want to feel the same energy that I am feeling – then you have to start your journey to become the updated NEW YOU!
Give Yourself the New Year resolution – that you will wake up tomorrow and start your journey at once.
The Future is Already Here – HAPPY NEW YEAR – wherever you are!
N.B. If you don’t know what the “New Economy” is – then follow my blog and I will inform you.