I will appear in the October edition of the magazine Women Entrepreneur!
I just love Mondays and this particular Monday I would like to dedicate to all fellow women out there!!! I normally avoid the “gender-discussions” simply because I do not want to draw the attention to the fact that I am a woman – but rather I want to be perceived as a Management Business Consultant and a Senior Strategic Advisor and nothing else.
However, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage women to consider a career as Entrepreneur. The reason being - like many women around me and in the rest of the world knows - that as soon as you have a child then the career ladder will close on you in many industries and countries no matter how hard you work after having a child you are no longer a subject for promotion. I think it is unfair to all women out there weather you decide to have children or decide to give up having children to pursue a career – if we hide this fact. That’s why I think that one of the best careers a woman can have is to become an Entrepreneur. Because then you can have both children and a career since nobody can stop you from reaching your targets but yourself when you are an Entrepreneur! I talk about this and many other lessons that I have learned through out my life and my struggles to finally reach Wall Street – in the article that I appear in the October edition of the Business Magazine Women Entrepreneur https://www.womanentrepreneur.co/magazine/. It’s for FREE - So don’t miss that!