Time for water cleaning

Åsa Granberg
24 July 2020

The ”take-action” culture is required

“Stop talking about it – and get it done”, this sentence is often repeated by one of my business coaches since it was the first great business advice he himself received when he started as an entrepreneur.
This Saturday 11th July 2020, we were a determined team on one of the shores of Stockholm that gathered to take some real action when it comes to cleaning the water.

Divers from the project “Rena Botten” jointly with a team from the organisation Rotary International, including me, worked to clean the ocean from garbage and plastics. We managed amongst other garbage to take up: 2 electric scooters, 12 car-tires and a lot of garbage.

Regarding car-tires: did you know that up to 30% of plastic released into the oceans each year comes from primary microplastics, not the disintegration of larger pieces, a report found that debris from tyre abrasion and synthetic fabrics are said to be the main sources.

E.g. the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive within the EU has been in force since 2008. It requires EU Member States to set up national marine strategies to achieve ‘good environmental status’ by 2020. On the 25th June 2020, a report from the European Commission regarding the MSFD, informs that the members states are not reaching the targets.

Many people and organisations talk about environmental issues and sustainability. But maybe it is time now to go from talking about it - to taking concrete action. I love finance and I see big financial rewards in environmental and sustainability improvements e.g. reduced health care costs. Think about it - it is your drinkingwater and the water where the fish you eat swims, so how do you think it affects your body when the water is contaminated?

AimHill Consulting Group
