We want You!

Åsa Granberg
9 August 2019

We want You!

That was the headline of an invitation that came in my mailbox earlier this week. The sentence under this headline in the invitation were the following words; "We would like to have you as one of the models of our event since you are one of the most inspiring women in Stockholm"...

How extremely happy and flattered I am to receive such an invitation! And of course I want to be such a role model for other entrepreneurs.

Now you might be wondering how come I got this invitation? The answer is that I have said "yes" to a large number of seminars, events, lunch meetings, coffe meetings, lectures and multiple business engagement - and I have shared my findings from these events by writing about them in my blog (both in Swedish on www.aimhill.se and in English on www.aimhill.com) - and on top of it all I have shown how incredibly proud I am when I get to assist others succeed in their business.

So, if you want to inspire others - then start by sharing your knowledge to the world. Start already today!

I look forward to reading about your findings - and I will come back with more information about the above mentioned event shortly...

AimHill Consulting Group 
